"You have the power to change
children's lives for eternity."

EITC - Educational Improvemente Tax credit



The Benefits of

The Frustration of

EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit


Download, complete, and mail this form
if your Pennsylvania state taxes are up to
: PennGift K-12 Joinder.

Download, complete, and mail this form if
your Pennsylvania state taxes are $3,500
or more
: EITC Spring 2025 Form.

EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit


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Portuguese version

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English version

English version

HOW the EITCWorks

Spanish version

Portuguese version

English version

English version

English version

English version

To learn more, contact Eugenio Martins at 484-662-7046 or at emartins@paconference.or

EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit
EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit

               Em 2001, a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania estabeleceu o Educational Improvement Tax Credit Act (EITC). Este programa permite que VOCÊ (indivíduos e empresas) doe a mesma quantia que você paga em impostos de renda estaduais para a escola cristã de sua escolha, e o governo estadual devolverá 90% de sua doação por meio de um crédito fiscal ou reembolso.

               É simples. Preencha um formulário de ‘Joinder’ de uma página, contribua com um mínimo de $ 500 adiantados e envie o formulário e seu cheque para a escola de sua escolha. A escola enviará os documentos para a Scholarship Organization (SPE). Após o processamento, você receberá um formulário PA K-1, que pode ser usado durante a próxima temporada de impostos para receber um reembolso de 90% de sua contribuição inicial.

               Por exemplo, quando você contribui com um mínimo de $ 500, a doação vai diretamente para a mensalidade do aluno. O programa EITC concede a você um crédito fiscal de $ 450, resultando em uma despesa de $ 50 do próprio bolso. Por $ 50, você fez uma doação de $ 500 para ajudar uma criança! Aqui está a melhor parte, um aluno agora receberá uma educação cristã de qualidade com pouco custo para sua família

EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit

               Parece bom demais para ser verdade – um benefício real do governo sem amarras. A verdade é que o programa EITC é uma maneira simples, única e eficaz de criar mudanças significativas com pouco impacto em suas finanças. Na verdade, são centavos por dólar.

            Por meio deste programa, você está simplesmente direcionando uma parte dos impostos que já pagou para os estudantes, investindo assim em um futuro melhor para nossos jovens.

               É importante que você revise seus impostos estaduais do ano passado e os discuta com seu preparador de impostos ou CPA para determinar quais serão seus impostos estaduais. Esta etapa ajudará você a identificar o valor exato que você realmente quer doar.

               Se você decidir exceder esse valor, o restante do seu crédito tributário poderá ser adicionado à sua dedução detalhada do imposto de renda federal.

               Agora, você tem o poder de fazer a diferença e, juntos, podemos ajudar a remodelar o cenário da educação hoje.

EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit


Taxable Income

PA State Tax Liability
Federal Tax Liability

Yearly Donation (1 Year Commitment Required)

There is a minimum contribution amount of $500 to enroll in the program, and based on your PA State Tax Liability, your maximum donation amount is less than $500.
This calculation assumes federal tax brackets as of the 2023 tax year. Always consult with your tax advisor regarding your individual financial situation.

There is a minimum contribution amount of $500 to enroll in the program, and based on your PA State Tax Liability, your maximum donations amount is less than $500

EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit









EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit
EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit


Talk to a Tax Credit Specialist


EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit



  1. Individuals who pay Pennsylvania income taxes;
  2. Business that are authorized to do business in Pennsylvania, and are subject to one or more of the taxes listed above.

The  Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC program provide donors with a tax credit for their donations to nonprofit Scholarship. A scholarship donation for through 12 students can earn a 90% tax credit for a one-year commitment. A one-time donation for Pre-K students can result in a 100% tax credit.


Any individual or any corporation who pays PA income tax is eligible. The minimum donation to join is $500.

Theres is no limit to the amount a donor can contribute to the EITC program.

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Complete the Joinder form and write the check. Fill out the Joinder form and write a check payable to the Scholarship Organization (SPE) listed on the form. You can download the Joinder form here:
  2. Send the form and check to the chosen school. The school will forward the documents to the Scholarship Organization (SPE). Later, you will receive the PA K-1 form (Form 1065) from the SPE to use in your tax
  3. File your tax return with the PA K-1 form. Include the K-1 and Schedule OC when completing your PA-40 tax return. Then, enjoy your 90% refund!

Yes. A donor that receives a state tax credit through the EITC program may still take a charitable deduction for their gift on both their federal and state tax returns as allowed by law. This is in addition to the EITC tax
credits they will receive against their state tax liability. Please consult your tax advisor on specifics.

These programs allow a donor to direct where a portion of their tax dollars are spent. These are dollars that you would already be paying to the state of Pennsylvania. It also allows the donor to support the schools and local Community.

Your donation plays a vital role in allowing all students the opportunity to attend a Chistian school regardless of race, religion, or ability to pay. The school then designates which qualified students are provided assistance.

Approximately 6.5 cents on the dollar, or $65 for a $1000 donation.

Any new donor can apply for tax credits starting January 1 for the current year.

You cannot designate your donation to a specific student. You do, however, have the option to designate the money to a specific school. Each school have the ability to designate funding to qualified students.

EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit


Blue Mountain Academy 2363 Mountain Rd, Hamburg, Pa. 19526 bma.us

Blue Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Elementary 45 Woodland Terr, Hamburg, Pa. 19526 mybme.org

Harrisburg Adventist School 424 N Progress Av, Harrisburg, Pa. 17109 haschool.org

Huntingdon Valley Christian Academy 1845 Byberry Rd, Huntingdon Valley, Pa. 19006 myhvca.org

Mountain View Christian School 470 East Southern Ave., South Williamsport, Pa. 17702 mvchristianschool.com


Escola Cristã Adventista de Pocono 1993 W Main St, Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360 pacs-sda.org

Academia Adventista do Sétimo Dia de Reading Junior 309 N Kenhorst Blvd, Reading, Pa. 19607 rjaschool.net

Escola Cristã Whitehall 359 Mechanicsville Rd., Whitehall, Pa. 18052 whitehallchristianschool.com

Escola Adventista do Sétimo Dia de Wyoming Valley 476 3rd St., Mountain Top, Pa. 18707 www.wvsdae.com

Escola Cristã Adventista de York 2220 Roosevelt Ave., York, Pa. 17408 yorkpa.adventistschoolconnect.org

"Donation today makes a
chid's hope, a reality."

EITC - Educational Improvement Tax Credit